Categories: eye care

The Importance of Post-Concussion Eye Exams

Sustaining a concussion can have a profound impact on various aspects of your health, including your vision. Seeking a comprehensive eye examination after a concussion is crucial for several reasons, including the detection and management of vision problems that may arise as a result of the head injury. Continue reading as a trusted eye exam doctor further discusses the importance of having your eyes checked post-concussion.

Visual Disturbances and Concussions

Concussions can lead to a range of visual disturbances, such as blurred vision, sensitivity to light (photophobia) and difficulty focusing. These symptoms may not be immediately apparent but can manifest in the days or weeks following the injury. A post-concussion eye exam helps identify and address these issues, promoting a more effective recovery.

Detecting Ocular Motor Dysfunction

Concussions often affect the coordination of eye movements, known as ocular motor function. This can result in difficulties with tracking objects, maintaining focus or experiencing eye strain. A specialized eye examination can pinpoint ocular motor dysfunction, guiding the implementation of targeted therapies to improve eye coordination and alleviate associated symptoms.

Assessing Binocular Vision Problems

Binocular vision problems, where the eyes struggle to work together seamlessly, are common after concussions. This can lead to double vision, depth perception challenges and discomfort. Through a comprehensive check, an eye doctor can assess binocular vision problems and recommend appropriate interventions, such as vision therapy or corrective lenses.

Addressing Light Sensitivity

Photophobia is a frequent symptom post-concussion. Exposure to light can exacerbate headaches and discomfort, whether you’re wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses. Optometrists can evaluate the extent of light sensitivity during an eye exam and recommend strategies to manage it effectively. This may include specialized lenses or advice on controlling lighting environments.

Preventing Prolonged Visual Symptoms

Early detection and intervention are key to preventing prolonged visual symptoms after a concussion. Without proper assessment and treatment, visual issues may persist and impact daily life. Timely eye exams can identify underlying problems and enable the implementation of targeted therapies, promoting a smoother recovery process.

Lumen Optometric is a trusted eye specialist in the area. We have expertise in orthokeratology, myopia management and neurolens therapy. Call us at (626) 921-0199 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

Lumen Optometric

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