Categories: eye care

Eye Exams: Why They Matter Even if You Have 20/20 Vision

It’s a common misconception that you only need to regularly visit your optometrist if you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses. Even if your vision seems clear, getting routine eye exams is essential. Many people aren’t even aware of an eye problem until they see an eye specialist. 

A local scleral optometrist shares why regular eye exams matter even if you have 20/20 vision. 

Keep Track of Vision Changes

You will never know if your vision has changed or if you need to start wearing prescription glasses until you see a specialist. Eye doctors will perform various tests to trace even the slightest changes in your vision. 

Regardless of age, you should schedule regular eye exams. It will ensure you have the appropriate vision correction eyewear, allowing you to see clearly and comfortably. Your eye doctor can also determine if you need dry eye treatment during your appointment.

Early Detection of Vision-Threatening Conditions

Specialists can catch early signs of sight-threatening conditions during comprehensive eye exams. Cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma are some eye problems that don’t manifest apparent symptoms until in their later stages. Early detection and treatment are crucial in preserving vision and delaying the progression of these eye conditions. 

Catch Signs of Other Health Issues

Your eyes can say a lot about your overall health. It isn’t uncommon for eye doctors to detect indications of other health issues while assessing their patients’ eyes. If this is the case, they will encourage you to get further assessments from a medical practitioner. Common conditions caught during comprehensive eye exams include diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, multiple sclerosis and thyroid diseases. 

At Lumen Optometric, we will thoroughly assess your eyes to catch problems that can affect your vision. Let us help you monitor your vision and eye health! Aside from comprehensive eye exams, we also offer myopia, dry eye and neurolens treatmentCall us at (626) 921-0199 or complete our online form to schedule an appointment.

Lumen Optometric

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