Categories: eye care

Eyesight, Vision and Their Differences

You might think that good eyesight is the same as good vision, but the two terms are actually different in meaning. Eyesight only refers to the ability a person has to see clearly without any corrective lenses, which varies from person to person and can change over time. Meanwhile, vision is the ability to process what a person sees and it can be improved with practice. Lumen Optometric, the eye center to trust for neurolens treatment, gives more insight on how they differ from each other.


This is something that takes place in the eye. Light enters through the front of the eye and then an image is created on the retina. If the eye is not perfectly shaped, the image may not focus perfectly on the retina. When this happens, some may wear glasses or contact lenses in order to improve eyesight or clarity of what they see, or in some cases, wear special lenses prescribed by their trusted scleral optometrist. The image of what they see in their eyesight is then transferred to the brain where vision takes place.


This takes place in the brain. The brain receives a clear image and then the vision is the process of understanding and analyzing the image. The brain automatically filters the information and determines what information is important and ignores the rest of the information. Vision can be both consciously or subconsciously processed and is affected not only by information coming in but also by what we expect to see due to prior knowledge.

How Do They Work Together?

Let’s say a child is presented with a picture of a cow. Eyesight is used to see the image clearly, while vision processes what they see and recognizes what the image is. When an eye doctor tells the child that they have 20/20 vision, they’re really saying that their eyesight is fine. While this means the child can see clearly, vision still refers to recognizing the image and whether both their eyes work together to process what they see. So, if the child has never seen a cow before, their vision won’t be able to recognize what the image is.

When you need a trusted specialist on dry eye treatment, Lumen Optometric is the name you can count on. Call us today at (626) 921-0199, or you can fill out our convenient online form.

Lumen Optometric

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